Xhosa Tweet: Buza xa ungaqondi! – Ask when you don’t understand! Listen & learn:
Buza = Ask,
Xa = when,
U = you,
nga + i ending = negative form: don’t,
qond = understand (in present tense has -a ending: qonda)
Buza xa ungaqondi! = Ask when you don’t understand!
Good luck with the clicks. Ask a Xhosa person to help you practise this and to check your clicks. Here’s a guide:
– The x is the giddy-up-horse side-of -the-mouth sucking click.
– The q is a popping sound made by a quick suck and release on the palate, hitting the whole tongue down from the palate.
Uyaqonda? = Do you understand?
Ewe, ndiyaqonda. = Yes, I understand.
Hayi, andiqondi. = No, I don’t understand.
Ndiqonda kancinci nje. = I just understand a little.
Tags: anti-virus, Ask, Industry News, Internet Security, Kaspersky, security, South Africa, virus, xhosa
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