Android SMS Trojan Now Being Delivered via SEO Techniques
Android users searching for pornography on their smart phones could be in for a costly surprise.
During the course of researching the origin for the first SMS Trojan for Android devices, I found a new Android package masquerading as a porn media player but which instead sends SMS messages to premium rate numbers.
The SMS messages cost $6 each and are sent silently in the background without the user’s knowledge.
The latest Android malware (detected as Trojan-SMS.AndroidOS.FakePlayer.b) is being distributed via clever search engine optimization (SEO) techniques, a clear sign that cyber-criminals are making every effort to infect mobile devices. The use of SEO is a significant development that confirms our belief that mobile malware – especially on Android devices – is a potentially lucrative business for malicious hackers.
Tags: anti-virus, Industry News, Industry News, Information Technology, Internet Security, Kaspersky, Search Engine, Search engine optimization, security, Software, virus
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