Myrtus and Guava: the epidemic, the trends, the numbers
Over the last few days, Stuxnet has been covered extensively in the mass media. And it’s been covered differently by different sources. “Iran”, “Bushehr nuclear plant” and “cyber-weapon” are phrases which are already inexorably linked to Stuxnet. One of the main arguments behind the “Iranian” theory is that Iran is the epicentre of the epidemic, as it has the largest number of computers identified as being infected.
However, any estimates about the number of infected machines can only be based on the data which AV companies get from their clients’ machines. And such data only comes from those countries where a company actually has clients. So if there aren’t any clients, or the antivirus product in question isn’t widely used, any estimates have to be regarded as having a serious margin of error.
Tags: anti-virus, Industry News, Industry News, Information Technology, Internet Security, Kaspersky, security, Software, virus
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