Japan Quake Malware Again
The earthquake and tsunami related crisis in Japan is still far from over – so is the appearance of new cyber threats trying to exploit that same crisis. Tens of thousands of people in Japan have lost their homes, and many their loved ones too. On top of that, radiation leaks are still a major concern for the country and its observers , while new tremors remind everyone of nature’s power on an almost daily basis. (At time of writing, a Magnitude 6.2 quake shook the place!). Today we investigated another malicious webpage. This one states in Portuguese: “Novo tsunami atinge a região de Sendai e Japão declara estado de emegência em usina nuclear”, which roughly translated means “New tsunami reaches the area of Sendai, Japan declares state of emergency at nuclear power plant”.
Tags: anti-virus, Industry News, Industry News, Information Technology, Internet Security, Kaspersky, security, Software, virus
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