Repeating Data and populating fields in Word

March 30th, 2011 PhoenixCOZA Posted in My Thoughts No Comments »

If you your question is  "How do I enter data in one place in a document and have it automatically repeated in other places?" 
I found a very interesting and extremely useful article on how to repeating Data and populating fields in Word. If your creating templates for an organisation or end users this can be applied to simplify the document and keep uniformity in a organisation.

This Microsoft Word Tips & Microsoft Word Help page offers several solutions to the question, "How do I enter data in one place in a document and have it automatically repeated in other places?"   My intention is not to reinvent the wheel, so after a brief introduction I will simply send you on to existing web articles containing full explanations of some of the more comprehensive methods.   See paragraph 7 if you want to go directly to information

Source :

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Quote Mark Twain ((category: quotes))

March 18th, 2011 PhoenixCOZA Posted in My Thoughts No Comments »

"If you pick up a starving dog and make him prosperous, he will not bite you. This is the principal difference between a dog and a man." 

Mark Twain quotes (American author and humorist, 1835 – 1910)

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Social Datamining – Don’t get all your spam in one basket

March 16th, 2011 PhoenixCOZA Posted in My Thoughts No Comments »

Representing yourself as different entities online does not necessarily mean that you are not true to yourself and brand. If your using social media for businesses or branding purposes you should represent just that. If your developing,  provide free source code or investigating security holes, a Pseudonym or anonymity prevents the attraction of bulk spam and attacks. The technical and practical reasons for remaining anonymous need to be considered. If you are representing an entity be sure that you do so to ensure that it is credible.

There are many individuals using pseudonyms online for legitimate reasons, and there are good reasons for writers to use their pen names online. Your pseudonym needs to have a reputation as well, if they are to be taken seriously. It would be unwise to become well known under a pseudonym that gives the wrong impression, build a reputation online that is credible. Pseudonyms give us a bit of privacy and security. You do not randomly go to bars or restaurants and shout out your real name and number for all to hear. Why would you do something so foolish online? Only the sites which provide the best of security are acceptable to use your legal name. Even so, you should be wary of how much information that you provide in your profiles or writings. If your exposing your online presence to threats much like a cop would go undercover, Pulling a badge without the consideration would just be suicide. 

If you use social media platforms for personal, business and recreational use you should dress accordingly. I keep my banking and personal information mail in one box as it gives me a clear indication of how some sites are not that secure. An example would be and old mail box I have used before receives mail from ABSA, Standard Bank, SARS, HSBC, Nedbank, Libyan refugees and a host of people trying to give me thousands of dollars. I use this mailbox to test for spam as the service provider for this "mailbox" has already exposed its users to so much spam and offers no protection. 

Managing various social media accounts and websites means that represent that brand and unity, users should be able to engage and contact you. The ability to contact that entity should be transparent enough to report spam and for legal reason but secure enough to prevent datamining by companies and shady characters. 

Should your relationship with an online person become more in depth, they will probably give you their real name at some point. Until that time try to be understanding of their reasoning. 

Whatever you reasons are for considering the use of pseudonym be sure that you represent that entity as credible and build it as a brand. Some related articles which should assist you in you application 

Note: The users and administrators of the services mentioned have been contacted to prevent further spam. It should be noted that the spam mentioned above originate from counries and servers with high spam figures. Contact your service provider or email administrators with regards to the spam prevention methods for your organisation or platform.

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Install Google Apps Standalone on Windows 7

March 14th, 2011 PhoenixCOZA Posted in My Thoughts No Comments »

Try to install Google App Standalone and — NOTHING happens.

Google Apps Standalone not installing in aWindows 7 Ultimate x64 and Enterprise.

When deploying Google Apps Standalone and enabling offline.
  1. Downloaded the Google Apps standalone setup (googleappsstandalonesetuptagged.exe)
  • Change the date on your system to June 2009
  • Install Google Apps standalone setup
  • Change the date back to the current date
  • Note: Your can manually create a shortcut change "C:\Program Files\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe" –app=""

    Replace "" with your googleapps domain name.

    GMDesk is an alternate application that lets you run Google apps , Google Calendar, Google Docs and Google Maps as a stand-alone application to do all your mail handling, calendar event reading etc with. No need to open it up in a web browser, or have it clutter your workspace.

    GMDesk Preferances

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